Some Mommy thoughts

I’ve gotten the random feedback that I’m an overprotective or controlling mom. That I don’t let people hold Mila, that I don’t let anyone near her. This is a complete exaggeration. If someone is holding Mila and she starts crying, I take her back. Not because I don’t have faith in the person holding her, but because I feel like she’s my responsibility and if she’s going to be upset I’d rather take care of it. If she’s fussy, I take her so I can check her diaper- diaper duty is no one’s job but mine and Danny’s, I would never ask someone to check her diaper- what if something unpleasant occurs!?! Nope. Unless you’re cool with it fine, but I don’t do it to be controlling. I do it because I want you/them to comfortable. And truth be told, I enjoy it. She’s only gets older, and I cherish every moment with her- from happy to frustrated to sad. So, if you’re one of those people who says little things- know that you are wrong! lol jk but please have some grace and understanding as to why I do things. I love that people love her, it brings me so much joy, and I would love for you to get your Mila snuggles in, just know that I’m not being crazy over here. ::end rant::

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photos by the very talented Karielys Acevedo.


I love watching tv. I feel like that sounds so ugly. haha Don’t misunderstand- I love the outdoors, I love doing crafty things, I love being out and about, but I also love tv. TV get such a bad wrap sometimes… it gives the impression that I’m a couch potato or something. Let me liveeee. Lately though, its one of the only ways I can wind down. You should also know that I can finish a show quick. Real quick. One of the reason for that is that I can work and watch “tv” pretty well. In fact, I’m much more productive doing so- instead of listening to music. All of that to say that, I want to share some shows I’ve watched and enjoyed -with you. haha I ramble a bit. Sorryyyyy


The Young Pope – HBO

This show is great. I had to get over myself when I started to watch it because it kind made me feel some type of way… and I can’t explain. It seemed so bad- but its so good!


Medici: Masters of Florence – NETFLIX

I loved this show. It was dramatic and it tells a lot of history about one of my favorite cities in Italy. I enjoyed it because I knew a bit of it all, so seeing in a story really revived my appreciation for Art History in Italy. 32746757006_5d9e3d80f3_o

Grace and Frankie- NETFLIX

These women are hilarious. So many women of different ages and demographics have become fans of this show. Well done. Best way to show what happens when life fives you lemons. graceandfrankie-nowwhat

Big Little Lies- HBO

I’m still watching this, and the season finale is on Friday. I love all the actors in this, and thinks its such a great casting. It feels like Mean Girls/Desperate Housewives 2.0. Way better. I’m constantly left with “cliffhanger” feeling and my sister and I have made it a serious commitment in watching it together. lolmaxresdefault


My sister got me into this show and I love it. It has some Stranger Things vibes. Lots of suspense. Definitely recommend it. the-oa_66

Let’s give a huge shout out to HBO and NETFLIX for making some A+ material.

January Miami Flea

The Miami Flea was a success! Would not have been possible without the help of my friends and family. Seriously, they always come thru.

We were up early (either way because of little Mila) at Casa Canto. We loaded up Gabe’s pick-up truck, waited for Enamarie and Maria (my “employees” of the day) and we were off! I was assigned a fantastic spot, and so the setup began! Mila was asleep in the car with Enamarie, which made the tent assembly much easier. Thank goodness for Danny. Best husband award goes to him. haha! After that, it just flowed. Enamarie and Maria killed it with sales, and it was so nice to see so many old and new faces. I loved the opportunity and can’t wait for the next flea I can be a part of!

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Miami Flea 2017 Kick-Off

Hustle Sauce will be at the Miami Fleaaaa! I’m so excited and so anxious! Excited because I get to take part in a event with other local vendors and anxious because I have no idea what it’s going to be like. lol I’m also a bad planner, so planning gives me anxiety. Backstory: whenever I’ve planned something- things go wrong and I lose my ish when my plan goes out the window, so since then I don’t plan and go with the flow.
So, when I’m forced to plan I panic. Oh well, this will a learning experience once more. If you’re not learning then you’re not growing.

Hope you can make it, I’d love to see you all there!
Click the link to reserve your spots.


4 months

Mila is 4.5 months old. Time is flying by, while feeling so slow. It’s so strange when I reflect on her life until now. She’s learned to grab, and reaches out for things. She’s even rejected individuals who want to carry her. She grabs her toes and sucks on her right toe-hard! She talks a lot now, but only when she is in a happy and relaxed moment. She recognizes faces and smiles and coos at them (human faces, and her plush dolls). She’s so funny, and has a strong personality. She reminds me a lot of Danny. She knows what she wants. I love my little Mila Marie to pieces, and just cry when I think of how much the Lord has chosen to bless me with her. Love you babycakes


Merry Christmas

Hope everyone had a good holiday. We were feeling extra blessed this year, having little Mila around has been the best gift. A lot of my thoughts surrounded ideas of traditions and lessons to teach to Mila during the holidays. Traditions that would ensure we always celebrate Christmas for the right reason. Danny and I have always been mindful, but teaching our little one about everything from the beginning sounds easy enough, but it’s actually very daunting lol. I’m looking forward to many more Christmas’ to come.

I had such a great time buying little things for Mila. I got her a doll from Cuddle and Kind , a dress from June and January, The Rebel Girls book and Some Disney Tsum Tsums for her stocking. I love gifting people, so this was extra special for me. I got Danny a Marmot tent and a MuteMath Vinyl and Lana got some goodies too! Nothing crazy but all special gifts. I hope to always keep that in mind when it comes to gifts for each other.

Hope you all had a Merry Holiday. <3


Charleston, SC

A few weekends ago, we took a road trip to Charleston, SC. it was the first long trip with Mila and overall-she did great! Our friend, Giovanna was going up for some work and we tagged along to explore the city. We had an amazing time. Charleston is so beautiful! We didn’t have specific plans, which was easier for us to go at our own pace, thankfully. Flexibility is key when you have a baby that is strict on her routine, not by my doing! She is a clock. She wakes from nap time to eat almost at the exact time, she dirties her diapers immediately after, and demands a change. Its always the same, so wherever I am, I tell myself to be flexible with how the day goes. She’s on schedule but life is not lol so asking about a restroom changing table in advance helps me be prepared, and if they have boiling water so i can warm her bottle. I get flustered pretty easily ( I hate that about myself), but Danny helps me remember to be grateful that Mila is pretty easy to handle <3

Anyhoo- back to Charleston. A few restaurants and places I’d recommend:

The Revelator Coffee – got a latte here every morning. So yummy.

Husk (you need a reservation WAYYYY in advance. Like a few weeks.)

167 Raw – Great spot, small but perfect. Service was amazing as well.

Taco Boy

High Wire Distilling Co.

The Daily coffee shop

The Brown Dog Deli – I had an amazing sandwich here. Amazing!!! Pulled pork, mac n cheese sandwich. Dead. Sooo good.

Angel Oak Tree – 1000 year old oak. #dreams

Henry’s – for some great drinks and chocolate cake hehe They have food too, but we just went for a short while.

Glazed Gourmet Donuts

We also, took a day to head to Parris Island to see where Danny went to Boot Camp for the Marines. So intense! I’m so proud of him for his time in the Marines. He’s the best.

Well, if you’re ever in Charleston, enjoy because its awesome. Take time to explore and ask locals because you can miss so much when you go on a strict plan!